Monday 7 October 2024

FHS Chapter 5: Thank You So Much

"Who is that――⁉"
"Huh? Kusanagi?"
"Who's that guy? Did he come all the way here on purpose? I let him off the hook."

Only Araki took a step back at Takeru's words.
The other two just tilted their heads in response.
When returning the body to its owner, I didn't want to attract too much attention and create an awkward environment.
But if the owner of this body asks him to save Sawamura...

"This much should be okay"

He glances over at Sawamura who has collapsed.

He was weak, sure, but he was far stronger than his past self and his classmates who had simply turned a blind eye.

"Hey, what did he just say? Didn't he say that it would be okay for me to crush you guys?"
"Oh come on, even though I beat that guy up so badly... it's amazing that he lost his memory."

Araki seems a little uncomfortable as the delinquents treat him with an attitude that could be interpreted as both admiration and ridicule.
Ignoring it, Takeru took one step at a time and headed towards Sawamura first.
He has some injuries here and there, but nothing serious.


When Takeru holds out his hand, a faint white light envelopes Sawamura's unconscious body, and his scratches and other wounds begin to heal.
The sacred magic of "Heal" that heals others.
It would be unnatural to let it heal too completely, but this much should be fine.

"Now then."

Takeru decides to beat up the three of them, starting with punching the closest man in the face.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

--Even in front of an enemy, he spoke leisurely.
He approached the other delinquent, who showed no sign of fighting back, and punched him in the same way.
Without using physical boost.

For Takeru, the "experience" he has gained from fighting up until now is more than enough to deal with these kinds of delinquents .
The two of them got up and started to fight back, but he kicked them away again, and they both fell to the ground side by side.

"Ouch, it hurts... it hurts..."

He looks down at the two fallen bodies, then sees Araki standing there in shock.
I beat him up pretty badly yesterday, so if he continues to behave like this――

"Dammit! You bastard!"
"...Why are you coming towards me?"

Although shocked, Takeru dodges Araki's punch and knocks him down just like the other two.


Then the three of them crouched on the ground side by side and glared at Takeru with teary eyes.

"You're just Kusanagi... don't get too cocky!"

It seems he hasn't lost his fighting spirit yet.
It was the same in the battle with the Demon King's army.
By going easy on the enemy, villages were lost and many people died.

"In that case--"

If they let it end like this, they might target Sawamura again the next day and bully him.
I have to make sure I never want to be their enemy again.
The moment he thought that and took a step forward...

"Oh, hey what?"
"Huh? Oh, it's a gate! And it's blue! This is crazy!"

A pale blue gate appeared in the abandoned factory.
There are two types of gates.
One is a blue gate.
The other is a red gate.
In the case of red, the monster will not appear for a while after it occurs, but in the case of blue, the monster will appear immediately.
An ogre comes out of the gate.
The ogre looked around, and when he noticed his human prey, a hideous smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, oh, it's an ogre!"
"It's okay! Araki-kun is here!"
"T-That's right! Go for it, Araki-kun!"

For the two delinquents, the presence of Araki, who had defeated the Ogre the other day, was probably a source of comfort.
Araki himself truly believed that the recent incident was his own achievement.

"Y-yes! An Ogre is no match for me! Fire!"

Araki creates a flaming fireball and throws it at Ogre.
The fireball hit the Ogre in the face, but it left him unharmed without a single injury.


Araki is surprised, but Takeru thinks it's only natural.
The Ogre is a vicious monster that multiple knights of the kingdom face off against.
Normally, this monster is not one that can be damaged by a fireball.


The Ogre approaches with big strides and cuts down the trees with his thick arms.
He was blown away with a sound incomparable to when Takeru had hit him, and fell to the ground unconscious.

"A, Araki-kun!?"

Ogre has lost interest in Araki, who is not dead but completely unconscious, and turns to the delinquents.

"N-no! Run!"

The two delinquents turn their backs on him and run away from the scene.


The Ogre picked up a nearby iron beam and threw it at the two fleeing.
The two narrowly missed being hit and managed to escape.
As the ogre was getting annoyed, he looked pleased when he noticed that there were still humans remaining.
Takeru pointed his palm at the Ogre.


The same magic as Araki.
It was the lowest level of fire magic, and was so enormous that it couldn't be compared to Araki's magic.
The fireball engulfs the Ogre and turns him into charcoal.
It was as if there had never been anything there in the first place.

"Now then..."

Takeru heads over to where Araki has collapsed.
His body twitched and groaned softly, like a dying insect.
If left alone, he might die.


A pale white light enveloped Araki.
At the same time, the pain that had been eating away at him subsided as if by magic.

"Eh? Ah……?"
"Ku, Kusanagi...?"

Takeru crouched down so he could make eye contact with the fallen Araki.
And then, to demonstrate the difference in their powers, he unleashes a powerful magical power.


Araki trembles in fear as he sees this overwhelmingly strong opponent for the first time.

"I'm no longer the Kusanagi you know."
"Ah, ah, ah... monster..."

"Monster," he couldn't help but chuckle bitterly at the word.
It's a phrase that's been said over and over again.

"As you can see, I have the power to reduce you to ashes in an instant. But I want to live a quiet life, out of sight. Do you understand?"
"Ah, yeah..."

Attend classes normally and live a normal life.
That was the only wish of Takeru, who was called a monster.

"You defeated the ogre here."
"Eh? But, I..."
"There were no witnesses, so that's fine. As long as you didn't tell anyone."

Once again, just to be sure, I tap him on the shoulder while increasing my magical power.
The sound of the muscles in my shoulders creaking.
Araki seemed to understand the situation and simply nodded his head.

"At school, other than me..."

Takeru looks at Sawamura, who is still unconscious, for a moment.

"Don't get involved with him too. Or rather, don't bully him."
"I, I understand..."
"Make sure those two understand too. If they come near us, you'll stop them."

With one more careful press, he unleashes his magical power.
From Araki's perspective, Takeru must look like a powerful dragon.

"Okay, I get it now! I won't go near you again and I won't tell anyone about today, so please don't kill me!"

Araki screams with tears in his eyes as his fear reaches its peak.
After confirming that he had completely admitted defeat, Takeru stood up and turned his gaze towards the outside of the abandoned factory.
There was a hint of more than one person outside. The two who had escaped earlier must have brought a Hunter with them.

"Well then, I'll be off, please cover it up nicely."

There's no need to hear a reply now.
Having concluded this, Takeru headed in the opposite direction to the presence coming from outside.

--Ouran Academy.
Run by the Japan Hunter Association, it is one of Japan's leading schools specializing in the training of hunters, having produced many excellent hunters.
This mammoth school offers everything from elementary school to university, and students there learn the culture and practical skills of hunters, with each student then going on to work in a job related to hunting.

There were several similar academies directly under the Hunter Association across the country, and they were important locations supporting Japan's Hunter organization.
In the high school division of Ouran Academy, there is a girl who is recognized by everyone as a genius.

"I see... is that all you have to report?"

Takamine Sakura, the youngest S-class hunter in history.
Normally, only guilds are given rooms by the academy, but even though she doesn't belong to any guild, she was given a room as a special exception.

Sakura looks at the report she was given in her room.
The girl who handed over the report was one of the hunters who had gone to defeat an ogre that had recently appeared near a certain high school.

However, since Sakura does not belong to the guild, he is not her subordinate.
If I had to say, it's like her fan club.

Therefore, while the female students were entranced by Sakura's dignified beauty, which they admired, they waited nervously for her next words.

-- I don't like this kind of gaze...

While sighing inwardly, as he was acting on his own, he couldn't just ignore someone who could bring him information.

"By the time you arrived, the ogre and the gate had already vanished without a trace. Is that true?"

The unnatural disappearance of the gate.
According to testimony from male students who were present, it appears that it was one boy who did it.

"No matter how I thought about it, I didn't think there was any way that boy could defeat the Ogre. Besides, the remnants of magical power left behind in the ruins were... well, far beyond that of an ordinary human... like, monstrous..."
"Is that so……"

The remnants of magical power are just remnants after all.
Even so, it is not possible that after so much time has passed, this memory would remain so strong that it frightens the excellent students of this school.
That was why this female student had come to report to Sakura.

To Takamine Sakura, the only person at the school who is one of the best hunters in Japan.

"This boy looks familiar."

Looking at the photo, it was the same boy who had proclaimed yesterday that he had defeated the Bloody Ogre.
However, it soon became clear that this was not possible.
Since articles were circulating today about a mysterious figure defeating him, it seems the media already knows.

"...Thank you for the information. I will investigate further, so please stand back."
"Y-Yes! Thank you very much!"

After the girls had left, Sakura looked out the window.
There were many students around, some practicing magic, some taking a nap, and some just playing.

"So with just the remnants of magical power, you are considered a monster class being..."
In the midst of all this, I remember the scene where the Bloody Ogre died the other day.

「It was an irregular gate break from what would normally have been a red gate class monster. But the unknown Hunter contained it without any casualties…」

--Who on earth could he be?
The name of the school listed in the report is Kazami High School.
A male student named Araki was in both of the irregular groups.
There were also reports that Araki was fighting with someone shortly before the Bloody Ogre appeared.
Even though there was a fight, he wasn't present at the scene.
He glared at that as the true identity of Irregular.

"Let's head to Kazami High School tomorrow."

If we talk to this boy, we might get a little closer to this irregularity.

"I can't leave irregulars alone, so as not to put my family in danger."

Sakura makes this decision as she looks at the family photo on the table.

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